Thursday, January 21, 2016


It is that time of the year again! 

Final exams are finally over and at last we get to leave college behind for a while. Let's bid a temporary goodbye to all the books that we have befriended during the exam weeks and say hello to semester break!! Let's also congratulate ourselves for all the hard works that we have magically possessed during the exam weeks! Well done!

Have you planned how you are going to spend your semester break yet? If you have not, here are some recommendations of what every college student needs to do over the semester break. 

1. Sleep!

  • It is recommended to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night, but we all know how unlikely that is in college especially during study week and final weeks. Use your break to catch up on sleep but do not sleep all day. 

2. Spend time with your family

  • Your parents and siblings missed you! Do not become a ghost while you are at home. Instead put in some effort by spending some quality time with family because one day you will look back and be glad that you did so. Perhaps a movie night or game night sounds like a good idea?

3. Short vacation!

  • Go wherever you have been dying to go! Foliage. Beach. Nature.  

4. Earn some money

  • Being a student is hard. Being an Optometry student is even harder because we do not have the time to get a part-time job while we are in college. Look up for any stores that are hiring holiday help. It never hurts to have a little extra cash right?

5. Read what your want to read   

  • Sure you did a lot of reading while you were in college, but how much of that was for fun? Reading something other than school books can be so relaxing -- something that you deserve during this semester break. Head to your local bookshop and find your fun read now!

We surely hope this will help you spend your free time wisely during the semester break. Time is gold so, have fun trying and enjoy your holiday! 

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